
Browse alphabetically or search within each letter to consult nearly 13,000 bibliographic references. The bibliography is linked to and from quotations in dictionary entries. Please see About Bibliography for more information.

Ohio State University. College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental SciencesShow2 titles

Ohio State University. College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences,Ohioline: Insect and Pest Series.[v.d.].

0 entry
Old GuardShow2 titles

Old Guard.Worcester MA: Printed under the auspices of Geo. H. Ward Post, no. 10, G.A.R., 1886–1889?.

0 entry

Orsman, H.W.,The Dictionary of New Zealand English.Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, c.1997.

0 entry

Orton, Harold and Nathalia Wright,A Word Geography of England.London: Seminar Press, 1974.

0 entry

OSU Extension Facts.Stillwater OK: OK State Univ. Cooperative Extension Service, 1965?–.

0 entry

Otter, William,History of My Own Times.Emmitsburg MD: [s.n.], 1835.

0 entry