
Browse alphabetically or search within each letter to consult nearly 13,000 bibliographic references. The bibliography is linked to and from quotations in dictionary entries. Please see About Bibliography for more information.

Sanitary and Heating Age.New York: 1929–1931.

0 entry

Simpson, J.A. and E.S.C. Weiner,The Oxford English Dictionary.2d ed.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.

0 entry

Smith, Robert Miller,Baseball.New York: Simon & Schuster, 1947.

0 entry

Society for Pure English,S.P.E. Tract 1-66.London: 1919–1946.

0 entry

Southern Quarterly Review.New Orleans LA: 1842–1857.

0 entry
Springer, John S.Show2 titles

Springer, John S.,Forest Life and Forest Trees.New York: Harper & Bros., 1851.

0 entry
Stowe, Harriet BeecherShow17 titles