Index Terms (Region, Usage, Etymology)
The index terms from the DARE volumes in print include virtually all regional, social, and usage labels from the dictionary. This includes terms for linguistic processes that contributed to the formation of headwords, and references to other varieties of English and to foreign languages from which the headwords derive. These terms have been taken from the head sections of the DARE entries, which include the pronunciation sections, the lists of variant forms, the etymologies, the regional, social, and usage labels, and the editorial notes. They may also come from definitions, and they regularly include the regional, social, and etymological labels at senses and sub-senses of entries. Citations were not searched, so instances of terms such as folk-etymology and echoic, or regional and social labels used in quotations, do not appear in this list. Many index terms are abbreviated in entries; these are listed in the Abbreviations guide. Below, each term simply links to a "full text" search across all entries; to target specific parts of entries (such as Etymologies or Social Labels), see Advanced Search.
- Abnaki
- abuse; abusively
- Acadian
- affected (See also hyperurbanism)
- affection; affectionate; affectionately
- African
- African, Central
- Africa(n), West
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Algonquian
- Allegheny Mountains
- American French (See French, American)
- American Indian; Indian
- American Portuguese (See Portuguese, American)
- American Spanish (See Spanish, American)
- Amish
- aphetic
- apocope
- Appalachians
- Arabic
- Arawak
- archaic (See also historic; obsolete; old-fashioned)
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- assimilated; assimilation
- Atlantic (See also Central Atlantic; Middle Atlantic; North Atlantic; South Atlantic)
- Australian; Australian National Dictionary
- back-formation; back-formed
- Bahamian; Dictionary of Bahamian English
- Baltimore (See Maryland, Baltimore)
- Bambara
- Bantu
- Basque
- Belgian
- Belgian French (See French, Belgian)
- Bible; Biblical
- Black
- blend, blended (See also coalescence)
- Boston (See Massachusetts, Boston)
- Brazilian Portuguese (See Portuguese, Brazilian)
- British (See England)
- Brooklyn (See New York, Brooklyn)
- Bube (See Bantu)
- Buffalo (See New York, Buffalo)
- California
- calque; also loan translation
- Canadian; Dictionary of Canadianisms
- Canadian French (See French, Canadian)
- Cantonese
- Carib
- Cariban
- Caribbean
- Carib, Island
- Celtic
- Central
- Central African (See African, Central)
- Central Atlantic
- Charleston (See South Carolina, Charleston)
- Cherokee
- Chesapeake Bay
- Chicago (See Illinois, Chicago)
- children
- Chinese
- Chinook
- Choctaw
- Chukchi
- Cincinnati (See Ohio, Cincinnati)
- clipped form
- coalescence; coalescing (See also blend)
- coastal
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- contemptuous (See also disparagement)
- contraction; contracted
- Cornish; Cornwall
- Cree
- Creek
- creole; creolized
- Cuban Spanish (See Spanish, Cuban)
- Czech
- Danish
- DC, Washington (See Washington, DC)
- decreasing (See also infrequent)
- Delaware
- Delaware (language)
- Delmarva
- depreciatory (See also disparagement)
- derisive (See also disparagement)
- derogation; derogatory (See also disparagement)
- Desert Southwest
- Dictionary of Bahamian English (See Bahamian)
- Dictionary of Canadianisms (See Canadian)
- Dictionary of Jamaican English (See Jamaican)
- Dictionary of Newfoundland English (See Newfoundland)
- Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue; Dictionary of the Scottish Language (See Scotland)
- diminutive
- disparagement; disparaging(ly) (See also contemptuous; depreciatory; derisive; derogation)
- dissimilation
- District of Columbia, Washington (See Washington, DC)
- doublets
- Dutch
- East; eastern United States
- Eastern European
- east of Mississippi River (See Mississippi River, east of)
- echoic; echoism (See also imitative; phonosymbolic)
- educated; education
- Efik
- ellipsis; elliptical(ly)
- England; English; English Dialect Dictionary; (also British)
- epenthetic
- erroneous; error
- euphemism; euphemistic; euphemistically (also minced form; minced oath; minced phrase)
- Ewe
- excrescent
- eye-dialect
- facetious; facetiously
- familiar; familiarity; familiarized; familiarizing; familiarly
- female (See women)
- Finnish
- Florida
- Florida, Palm Beach
- folk-etymological; folk-etymology
- folk-name
- Fon
- French (See also French, American; French, Belgian; French, Cajun; French, Canadian; French, Louisiana)
- French, American
- French, Belgian
- French, Cajun
- French, Canadian
- French, Louisiana
- frequentative
- Frisian, East
- Fula
- Gaelic
- Georgia
- Georgia, Okefenokee
- German (See also German, Pennsylvania; German, Swiss)
- Germanic
- German, Pennsylvania
- German, Swiss
- Great Lakes
- Greek
- Gulf States; Gulf
- Gullah
- Haitian
- Harlem (See New York, Harlem)
- Hausa
- Hawaii; Hawaiian
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- historic (See also archaic; obsolete; old-fashioned)
- homophonous; homophony
- Hopi
- Hudson (River) Valley (See New York, Hudson (River) Valley)
- humorous (See jocular)
- hypercorrect; hypercorrection (also overcorrected; overcorrection)
- hyperurbanism
- hypocoristic
- Idaho
- Igbo
- Illinois
- Illinois, Chicago
- imitative; imitation (See also echoic)
- Indian; American Indian (See American Indian)
- Indiana
- infix
- informal
- infrequent (See also decreasing)
- Inland North
- Inland South
- intrusive; intrusion
- Inupiaq
- Iowa
- Ireland; Irish
- ironic; ironically
- Iroquoian
- Island Carib (See Carib, Island)
- Italian
- Jamaican; Dictionary of Jamaican English
- Japanese
- Jewish
- jocular; jocularly; jocose; joking (also humorous; humorously)
- lambdacism
- Lapp
- Latin; Latinization; Latinized; pseudo-Latin; quasi-Latin
- Lithuanian
- loan; loan word
- loan translation (See calque)
- Long Island (See New York, Long Island)
- Louisiana
- Louisiana French (See French, Louisiana)
- Louisiana, New Orleans
- Lower Mississippi Valley (See Mississippi Valley, Lower)
- Maine
- Makah
- malapropism
- Malay
- male (See men)
- Malinké
- Mandingo
- manufacturer's name (See trademark)
- Manx
- Map
- Maryland
- Maryland, Baltimore
- Massachuset
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, Boston
- Massachusetts, Cape Cod
- Massachusetts, Martha’s Vineyard
- Massachusetts, Nantucket
- men (also male)
- Mennonite
- Menominee
- metanalysis
- metaphor; metaphorical
- metathesis; metathetic (See also reversed compound)
- Mexican Spanish (See Spanish, Mexican)
- Michigan
- middle-aged
- Middle Atlantic
- Midland (See also North Midland; South Midland; West Midland)
- Midwest, Upper (See Upper Midwest)
- minced phrase (See euphemism)
- Minnesota
- Minorcan
- Miskito
- Mississippi
- Mississippi-Ohio Valleys
- Mississippi River, east of
- Mississippi River, west of
- Mississippi Valley (See also Mississippi Valley, Lower; Mississippi Valley, Upper)
- Mississippi Valley, Lower
- Mississippi Valley, Upper
- Missouri
- Montana
- Mormons
- Muskogean
- Nahuatl
- Nantucket (See Massachusetts, Nantucket)
- Narraganset
- naturalized
- Navaho
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New England
- Newfoundland; Dictionary of Newfoundland English
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New Orleans (See Louisiana, New Orleans)
- New York
- New York, Brooklyn
- New York, Buffalo
- New York City
- New York, Harlem
- New York, Hudson (River) Valley
- New York, Long Island
- New York, Syracuse
- New York, Upstate
- New Zealand; Dictionary of New Zealand English
- Nisqualli
- North (See also Inland North)
- North Atlantic
- North Carolina
- North Carolina, Outer Banks
- North Central
- North Dakota
- Northeast
- North Midland
- Northwest (See also Pacific Northwest)
- Norwegian
- Nupe
- obscene
- obsolescent
- obsolete (See also archaic)
- offensive
- Ohio
- Ohio, Cincinnati
- Ohio River Valley; Ohio Valley
- Ojibway
- Okefenokee (See Georgia, Okefenokee)
- Oklahoma
- old; older
- old-fashioned (See also archaic)
- Opata
- Oregon
- Outer Banks (See North Carolina, Outer Banks)
- overcorrection (See hypercorrection)
- Ozarks
- Pacific (See also Pacific Northwest)
- Pacific Northwest (See also Northwest)
- Paiute
- Palm Beach (See Florida, Palm Beach)
- patronizing
- Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania German (See German, Pennsylvania)
- Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
- Persian
- Philippine (See also Tagalog)
- phonosymbolic
- pidgin
- Piedmont (See Virginia)
- Piman
- Plains States
- pleonastically (See redundant)
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Portuguese, American
- Portuguese, Brazilian
- Pueblo Indians
- pun; punning(ly)
- rare
- reanalysis; reanalyzed
- reduced; reduction
- redundant; redundantly (also pleonastic, pleonastically)
- reduplicated; reduplication
- relic
- reversed compound; reversal (See also metathesis)
- reverse order
- Rhode Island
- rhotacism
- Rocky Mountains
- Romany
- rural
- Russian
- Salish
- Scandinavian (See also Danish; Norwegian; Swedish)
- Scotland; Scots; Scottish; Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue; Dictionary of the Scottish Language; Scottish National Dictionary
- Seminole
- Serbo-Croatian
- Shawnee
- Sicilian
- Slavic
- Slovak
- Slovene
- Smoky Mountains (See also Appalachians)
- Sotho
- South (See also Inland South)
- South Atlantic
- South Carolina
- South Carolina, Charleston
- South Dakota
- Southeast
- South Midland
- Southwest (See also Desert Southwest)
- Spanish (See also Spanish, American; Spanish, Cuban; Spanish, Mexican)
- Spanish, American
- Spanish, Cuban
- Spanish, Mexican
- Swedish
- Swiss German (See German, Swiss)
- syncopated; syncope
- synecdoche
- taboo
- Tagalog
- Taino
- Tatar
- telescoped
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Tlingit
- trademark; trade name; (also manufacturer's name)
- Tupi-Guarani
- Turkish
- Twi
- Ukrainian
- uncultivated
- United States, eastern (See East)
- Upper Midwest
- Upper Mississippi Valley (See Mississippi Valley, Upper)
- Upstate New York (See New York, Upstate)
- urban
- Utah
- Washington
- Washington, DC
- Welsh
- West
- West Africa(n) (See Africa(n), West)
- West Indian
- West Midland
- west of Mississippi River (See Mississippi River, west of)
- West Virginia
- White
- Wisconsin
- Wolof
- women (also female)
- Wyoming