a |
ante (before) |
abbr(s) |
abbreviated, abbreviation(s) |
absol |
absolute(ly) |
acc |
[date of] access |
Wentworth American Dialect Dictionary |
addit |
additional |
adj(s) |
adjectival, adjective(s) |
adv(s) |
adverb(s), adverbial |
advt |
advertisement |
Afr |
African |
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language |
alter(s) |
alteration(s) |
Amer |
America(n), Americana |
AmFr |
American French |
AmInd |
American Indian (language) |
AmPort |
American Portuguese (language) |
AmSp |
American Speech |
AmSpan |
American Spanish (language) |
Ramson Australian National Dictionary |
aphet |
aphetic |
app |
appendix |
appar |
apparently |
approx |
approximately |
Apr |
April |
arch |
archaic |
art |
article |
assoc |
associate(d), association |
Atl |
Atlantic |
attrib |
attribution, attributive(ly) |
Aug |
August |
Austr |
Australia(n) |
aux |
auxiliary |
Brit |
Britain, British |
c |
circa |
c |
central |
CanEngl |
Canadian English |
CanFr |
Canadian French |
cap |
capital |
CB |
citizens band |
cent |
central |
cent(s) |
century (-ies) |
coll |
college |
Coll. |
collection, collected |
colloq |
colloquial |
comb(s) |
combination(s) |
comm(s) |
community (-ies) |
compar |
comparative |
Cong |
Congress |
conj |
conjunction |
constr(s) |
construction(s) |
contr |
contraction |
conv |
conversation |
corr |
corrected |
DA |
Mathews Dictionary of Americanisms |
Craigie–Hulbert Dictionary of American English |
Dan |
Danish |
Cassidy–Hall Dictionary of American Regional English |
Wentworth–Flexner Dictionary of American Slang |
Holm–Shilling Dictionary of Bahamian English |
DCan |
Avis et al. Dictionary of Canadianisms |
Allsopp Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage |
Dec |
December |
def art |
definite article |
Delmarva |
DE, eMD, eVA |
derog |
derogatory |
dial(s) |
dialect(s), dialectal |
dimin(s) |
diminutive(s) |
Cassidy–LePage Dictionary of Jamaican English |
Story et al. Dictionary of Newfoundland English |
Orsman Dictionary of New Zealand English |
doc |
document(ary) |
Craigie Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue |
Pratt Dictionary of Prince Edward Island English |
Dr |
Doctor |
DS |
Data Summary |
Jamieson Dictionary of the Scottish Language |
Montgomery–Hall Dictionary of Smoky Mountain English |
Du |
Dutch |
e |
east(ern) |
ed(s) |
edited, edition, editor(s), editorial |
Wright English Dialect Dictionary |
Wright English Dialect Grammar |
educ |
educated, education(al) |
EModE |
Early Modern English |
Engl |
England, English |
esp |
especially |
et al |
et alii (and others) |
etc |
et cetera (and so forth) |
etym(s) |
etymological, etymology (-ies) |
euphem(s) |
euphemism(s), euphemistic(ally) |
ex(x) |
example(s) |
exc |
except |
exclam |
exclamation, exclamatory |
ext |
extension |
eye-dial |
eye-dialect |
f(f) |
and following |
Feb |
February |
fem |
feminine |
fig |
figure |
fig |
figurative(ly) |
folk-etym |
folk-etymological, folk-etymology |
foll |
follow(s), followed, following |
Fr |
French |
FrCan |
French Canadian (people) |
freq |
frequent(ly) |
FW(s) |
fieldworker(s) |
Ger |
German |
Gk |
Greek |
gov |
governor |
gram |
grammatical |
gs |
grade school |
Haw |
Hawaiian |
Heb |
Hebrew |
hist |
historic, historical(ly) |
hs |
high school |
ibid |
ibidem (in the same place) |
ie |
id est (that is) |
illustr |
illustration |
imper |
imperative(ly) |
in |
inch |
inc |
incorporated |
Ind |
Indian |
indef art |
indefinite |
inf(s) |
informant(s) |
infin |
infinitive |
infl |
influence(d) |
infreq |
infrequent(ly) |
interrog |
interrogative(ly) |
intj |
interjection |
intr |
intransitive(ly) |
intro |
introduction |
Ir |
Irish |
is |
island(s) |
Ital |
Italian |
Jan |
January |
joc |
jocular(ly) |
LaFr |
Louisiana French |
Kurath Linguistic Atlas of New England |
lang(s) |
language(s) |
Lat |
Latin |
Allen Linguistic Atlas of the Upper Midwest |
m |
meter(s) |
Mar |
March |
masc |
masculine |
ME |
Middle English (in etymologies; elsewhere = Maine) |
Kurath Middle English Dictionary |
metath |
metathesis, metathetic(ally) |
MexSpan |
Mexican Spanish |
mid |
middle |
mid-aged |
middle-aged |
midwest |
midwestern |
misc |
miscellaneous, miscellany (-ies) |
Missip |
Mississippi |
mod |
modern |
ModE |
Modern English |
ms(s) |
manuscript(s) |
mt(s) |
mount, mountain(s) |
n |
noun |
n |
north(ern) |
N Amer |
North America(n) |
natl |
national |
naut |
nautical |
NB |
New Brunswick |
nd |
no date |
ne |
northeast(ern) |
NEast |
northeast |
neg |
negative |
NEng |
New England |
Nfld |
Newfoundland |
no(s) |
number(s) |
non-std |
nonstandard |
Norw |
Norwegian |
Nov |
November |
np |
no page |
ns |
new series |
nth(n) |
north(ern) |
nw |
northwest(ern) |
New York City |
NZ |
New Zealand |
obs |
obsolete |
occas |
occasional(ly) |
Oct |
October |
OE |
Old English |
Murray et al. Oxford English Dictionary |
OED2 |
Simpson–Weiner Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed |
Burchfield Oxford English Dictionary Supplement |
old-fash |
old-fashioned |
orig |
origin, original(ly) |
p(p) |
page(s); post (after) |
PaGer |
Pennsylvania German |
perf |
perfect |
perh |
perhaps |
pers |
person |
phr(r) |
phrase(s) |
pl |
plate |
pl |
plural |
Pol |
Polish |
Port |
Portuguese |
ppl |
participial |
pple(s) |
participle(s) |
pref |
prefix |
prep(s) |
preposition(s) |
pres |
present |
prob |
probable, probably |
pron |
pronoun |
pronc(s) |
pronounced, pronouncing, pronunciation(s) |
pronc-sp(p) |
pronunciation-spelling(s) |
pt(s) |
part(s) |
qq |
questions |
QR |
questionnaire |
qu |
question |
quot(s) |
quotation(s) |
r |
recto |
R |
river |
ref(s) |
refer, reference(s) |
refl |
reflexive |
rel |
related |
resp(s) |
response(s) |
rev(s) |
review(s); revised, revision |
Russ |
Russian |
s |
south(ern) |
Scan |
Scandinavian |
Scotl |
Scotland |
Scots |
Scottish |
se |
southeast(ern) |
sec(s) |
section(s) |
Sept |
September |
ser |
series |
sess |
session |
sg |
singular |
sig |
signature |
Grant Scottish National Dictionary |
Span |
Spanish |
spec |
specific(ally) |
sp-pronc(s) |
spelling-pronunciation(s) |
std |
standard |
StdE |
Standard English |
sth(n) |
south(ern) |
subsp(p) |
subspecies |
suff |
suffix |
sugg |
suggest(ed), suggestion |
superl |
superlative |
suppl |
supplement |
sw |
southwest(ern) |
Sw |
Swedish |
syll |
syllable |
terr |
territory (-ies) |
tr |
transitive |
transf |
transfer(red) |
transl |
translate(d), translating, translation, translator |
ult |
ultimate(ly) |
uncert |
uncertain |
univ |
university |
unpub |
unpublished |
US(A) |
United States (of America) |
usu |
usual(ly) |
v |
verso |
v |
verb |
var(r) |
variant(s), variety (-ies), various, varying |
vbl |
verbal |
vol(s) |
volume(s) |
w |
west(ern) |
W2 |
Neilson et al. Webster’s New International Dictionary, 2nd ed |
W3 |
Gove et al. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary |
World War I |
World War II |
x |
hybrid |
yd |
yard |
yr(s) |
year(s) |